
blog of epiphanized

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Secret Santa

[note: Sorry, had to repost this. Tried to delete first post so it wouldn't make it to google reader, butapparently it did. Reason being the theme that i use on my blog just stopped working so you could barely read anything! Am using a temp one now, hope to rectify it to its original sexy self soon.]

Other people have done it / are doing it* on Youtube, but it doesn't seem anyone in our corner of the community has initiated it. So I'm delighted to announce that I have volunteered myself to organise a UK Youtube Secret Santa [probably just UK mainland, but I'll think about that..].

Me being me, I decided to write a song for it ^_^
Am gunna post a video tomorrow, but until then here's your sneak peak:
EDIT: Due to complications/data protection/stalkers, its now gunna be private secret santa. Sorry if you don't know me :P Feel free to do your own one though!

Secret Santa

*unintentional innuendo; obviously I'm talking about Sexret Sa.. err i mean Secret Santa, as the title clearly suggests.


Anonymous said...

the song is amazing! ha ha seems like you're having a lot of fun doing it. that's great. but please extend YouTube secret santa to other parts of the world, if it's possible =)

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