
blog of epiphanized

Sunday 7 December 2008

HatticusFail, BloggicusUnFail

Yay! For you non-google reader people, my original template is back. And for you google readererers, reading this over here is far more beneficial: You get lovely colours, tempting adverts and embeded music +) the way, that's plusman (named by Dave) - he originated in stickam where many of our keyboards do funny things: trying to type =) results in +)

Today was awesome. Tom, Ian, Alex (Ian's housemate) and I were in Brighton (near Barry-land) filming. Basically it involved going up to random people and asking questions, but I don't want to spoil too much cause I think it will become an epic video when Tom uploads it onto his channel next week. You'll just have to wait till then.

In other news, I have been driving my new car for a few days now after finally getting it taxed! :D Unfortunately I couldn't quite figure out the Seat Ibiza radio wiring colour codes: after touching two wires together, the car locked itself o_O ..that's when I decided to give up and wait till next week for the garage to do it (for free - included that in the deal). But yeh, it's meant that I've had no radio to listen to; to and from work I catch up on Scott Mills podcasts from the past few weeks that I've missed, listening on my phone.

Finally, I came up with the classic line "Hail fatty, the failing Hatti" in Tom's blogtv show tonight. The subsequent 15 minutes were spent deludedly making the following. Enjoy ^_^

Hatticus Fail (14 secs)


Anonymous said...

long time watcher,first time commenter.

there's a lot of things that i could say
here,but perhaps it would be best if i
left it at "you AMAZE me..."


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