
blog of epiphanized

Monday 2 March 2009

Jessica Simpson

I'm so lazy. I have so much time in which I could be being productive, but never can be bothered.

I have a fair few video/song/blog ideas that I like when I come up with, but then sit on them for a few days and end up thinking about them too much to the point that I bore myself with them, give up and move on to the next idea. And so the cycle repeats.

I went through my music folder yesterday and there so were so many songs that I'd made/almost completed but never got round to making videos for.

Dailybooth is annoying. I knew it would become popular, hence why I grabbed the username 'doug' so quickly, but it's lame and self-obsessive.

I couldn't think of a title so I went with the first thing that came into my mind. o_O

I have a few projects going on at the moment:

>One remains in my brain for now. It could be quite cool if I ever get round to starting - it will take a while to get going, but could turn out alright.
>Another is with Created by Maz, it is a weekly tech show based on reviewing UK and European start ups. I filmed Episodes 5-7, with Sophie presenting, last week. Ep5 has been edited and should be going up tonight.

>The final is supersecretz. Well, not really, but its in early stages at the moment.
I have my '3 Month Work Appraisal' now, where we discuss how i'm getting on. Joy.

Oh yeah, slumdog was alreet. Definitely over-hyped. It was good, but not amazing.



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