
blog of epiphanized

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Productive Afternoons.

Time to Alarm: 7h51m

Kay this is gunna have to be a quicky if I want to feel less dead tomorrow than I did today.

I need to be more productive. I work 7am-3pm and tend to get home shortly before 4pm. Sometimes I go for a gym 'n' swim sesh after work which gets me home more like 6pm.

The thing is, all I seem to be doing in the evenings is playing mindless games on a generic multiplayer internet flash game website [you cannot speak of said website out loud, else you will burn in the depths of hell], watching youtube videos, tv or a film, or surfing the net. I don't feel I'm being productive enough.

Eugh I dunno, I just feel like I could be doing something with my evenings at home. Like making a twitter web application that is disguised as my company's website so that I can sneakily tweet during the day ^_^ ..or initiate some of these entrepreneurial (money making) ideas i've had recently. That's right, I've devised a way to hack PJ's adsense. Mhmmm.

Weekends are currently on hold due to having £800 stolen through PayPal. I'll most probably be getting it all back, but its still hassle and has meant I'm officially [temporarily] broke - in fact, in debt to my bank - for the first time ever. More on that later though.

Anywho, 15 minutes have passed and I must dash off to dreamland. And not dilly-dally on the way.

Time to Alarm: 7h35m

P.S. I fell asleep to Derren Brown earlier; In my books thats as bad as the Queen committing adultery. THAT'S HOW TIRED I AM!


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