Oh hai blog, not been here for over a year!
Writing this so I can share the hilarious @replies I got this afternoon, but while I'm here, might as well fill you in with the other fun facts of today.
As most know, people figured out how to embed javascript commands into tweets earlier today - if not, look here.
Long story short, I figured out how to make (copied) one that would create a hyperlink over the whole of my followers' web browsers. Once one puts one's mouse over said hyperlink - ie as soon as anyone loads twitter.com - it sends the tweet: 'RT doog_' which thus retweets my last tweet.
Some say evil, some say genius.
Anywho, as a result, I can somewhat proudly say it spiralled out of control and got me 36000 RTs as shown below:
Then I figured out that it was retweeting my last tweet, so if I tweeted something else, it would retweet that - but would then stop the chain of viral retweeting (tricky to explain, just think about it). Decided I'd got far enough and it was worth stopping the RTs for a bit of promo :P
So that went well, even if I only got 3 youtube subscribers from it!
Aaaanywho, the results of the day were 45 new followers, some HILARIOUS @replies (I literally couldn't stop myself laughing out loud on the train when reading them!), a RT by the WHITEHOUSE!, a comment on a site that made me lol on the train also ('Yo doog I heard you like retweets so i put a tweet in your tweet so you can tweet while you tweet'), and exposure on a few blog/news websites ^_^ such as here and here.
Highlight of the day had to be checking my twitter an hour after posting the link (not knowing if it had worked) and hesitantly saying out loud to the office something along the lines of 'Errr I wrote this script in a tweet and err it's got my tweet retweeted about thirty five thousand times o_O' at which point everyone turned around and was like... 'ahbwwwaaahhhhh!??!?!?!' ^_^
And to those who don't have much of a sense of humor by something that, in REALITY, i.e in the real world, caused no harm - this is usually the type of person who stays in all night on the computer, constantly checking facebook and twitter not knowing what to do with your evening and probably will amount to nothing in life - if that's you I'm describing (like #56 below), I don't care if you think I'm a dick. If you'd have done it, you would have found it just as funny!
Here's the @replies.
I like #4, #6, #37, #74, #77:
- chanchan_jc @doog_ nóis que vua enton........
- iamericliu @doog_ @PUFFIN Worms... D;<
- mbbeaudet Anybody else get hacked by @doog_? I refreshed my tweets and got a series of error msgs saying I had retweeted doog_'s latest tweet. WTF?
- vickielyna RT @DanaBashCNN: RT @doog_: this video is amazing!! check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGLvXPutS4c
- cspolaric @doog_ um, doesn't work
- VisionaryAgents OMG RT @whitehouse: RT @doog_: t.co@"onmouseover="document.getElementById('status').value='RT (cont) http://tl.gd/651et7
- livinginreality @doog_ Reality - Deuces feat. Singaboi & Deja' Vu http://bit.ly/cV0dfC dwnld & RT
- rafael_gaarn @doog_ quien??
- yaser_ozan @liberall şöyle bişey varmış bi bak istersen" @twitrotor, @matsta, @uchihablood, @doog_ bunları blocklayın profiliniz düzelir."
- clebsonv @doog_ APAGA A MENSAGEM QUE É VIRUS.
- P_Daniels93 RT @marcelluswiley: RT @doog_: this video is amazing!! check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGLvXPutS4c <-- Very Nice
- tokyoph0ne Fwd: RT @twitrotor, @matsta, @uchihablood, @doog_ bunları blocklayın profiliniz düzelir. Retweet yapınız!. (via... http://ff.im/qSI0B
- The915Eye [EP News] RT @doog_: t.co@"onmouseover="document.getElementById('status').value='RT doog_';$('.status-upd... http://bit.ly/cs5GOh
- HYFanUgurGurer ya noluyo nden millet bu 4 kişiyi blockluyo biri durumu yazabilirmi? @twitrotor, @matsta,@uchihablood, @doog_
- Reamaz GM @ShayUKBombshell @SpinCity151 @LatimaNicole @ADPCareers @johnlegend @doog_ @Twitrotor @Matsta @spicielady @pinkCookiz @VXNSTUDIOS @NY3D
- Bubanz Sikin şunu @doog_
- lerrynee @EhTenso na verdade é culpa de dois irresponsáveis,o @doog_ e o @tbubbaloo ¬¬
- SL0WandP41NFUL @doog_ is a fag. He's the reason Twitter's fucked.
- NelsonGoroY @doog_ - Your Twitter account possibly infected. "MouseOver" link appearing .
- 3rdparty At least you can see who has #newtwitter now... Block @doog_ if you don't want to be affected by the XSS (mouseover) Twitter exploit...
- lerrynee esses bugs são culpa do @doog_ e do @tbubbaloo ¬¬
- EmekaOkoye ePSIplatform (European PSI Platform) RT @doog_: t.co@"onmouseover="document.getElementById('status').val... http://linkd.in/b64adT
- SedatSYDN @itiresen bunlar abla @twitrotor, @matsta, @uchihablood, @doog_ bunları blocklayın profiliniz düzelir. Retweet yapınız!.
- mmorenario @fernando_amaral Você retuitou de uma amigo seu chamado @doog_ ?
- TLBJames @Twitter Disable @doog_ ! He's hijacking RTs and followers with a script in his tweets.
- fgsjr @doog_ @matsta Bloqueados. Relatados como Spam. Façam isso também.
- farkhaans Entah hoax ato bener, soalnya yang tweet item2 itu asalnya dari @doog_
- GolsuzEsitlik @matsta, @uchihablood, @doog_ 3'lüsünü block'layın, düzeliyor twitter.
- lerrynee @burjack na verdade a culpa é do @doog_ #oremos
- ickep RT @whitehouse: RT @doog_: t.co@"onmouseover="document.getElementById('status').value='RT doog_';$('.status-update-form').submit();"
- RayaneCarvalho Olha só o que esse idiota do @doog_ teve a CORAGEM de postar! hahaha fdp http://twitter.com/doog_/status/25120025609
- farkhaans Acc yang nguasain twitter itu @doog_
- ProfPetronio @doog_ Veja como a VEJA constroi uma revista e descontroi pessoas http://migre.me/1mCHt
- Digo_Rossi Começou denovo, agora o @doog_
- emekli_cocuk @twitrotor @Matsta @uchihablood @doog_ bu dürrüklerin defterlerini dürelimlütfen Blocklayın sayfanızın selameti için...
- RayaneCarvalho Coitado desse @doog_ nem fazendo todo mundo dar RT em seu tweet ele consegue ganhar followers. Ow, que triste! hahahahahaha
- astridmaraquita @doog_ que coño es eso?
- fergouveia @doog_ o doog_ não deu...tenta de novo...
- tonemott @doog_ "BET Awards" Tone Mott Freestyle on "YouTube". The Talk of the Town!! http://bit.ly/aAKb6y
- wboc steve_dorsey16: RT @doog_: t.co@"onmouseover="document.getElementById('status').value='RT doog_';$('.statu... http://bit.ly/cIjWqX
- Apdeites tweets com código "viral" de @BrunuM @musecrossing @doog_ @apombalivre @melgamike @Ruy_Barros @Sharmma (etc.)
- RayaneCarvalho Já sei é pra esse @doog_ ficar ganhando followers em cima de rt hhahahaa que fdp! hahaha vai encher o pc da sua avó de vírus
- mand_yy @doog_ @Twitrotor WTF? :@
- _Resident_ @entel_ayuda @KFCchile @doog_ Alerta: Si ven algún enlace en Twitter con la palabra "onmouseover", NO hagan clic http://huff.to/cm4Wj7 plz
- DjeisaGarcia @doog_ que site é esse?
- hotaniya これが噂のXSSか QT @doog_: t.co@"onmouseover="document.getE (via @dsk_tokyo)
- YuriSodero Quero tirar esse garoto da minha paginaaaaaaaaaa! O q acontece com vc @doog_ ?
- Nickibg Que merda de hackers do Twitter agora tem o @doog_
- eeekaj @doog_ u r famous snoogy doogy
- franke_v @"onmouseover="document .getElementB yId('status').value='@doog_';$ ; ) -> Kann der onmouseover nicht mal was anderes tweeten?
- HammerStorms Ok, blocked the @doog_ and my Twitter seems fine now.
- errdieg @112_emegencias, @kokebcn, @doog_, @migueltarga infectados con el maldito "virus del Twitter"...
- samochnacz @doog_ vsf tá?
- YuriSodero Toda vez que eu passo o mouse na cara desse menino ( @doog_ ) meu twitter trava! o que acontece??
- alhouca SIGAM --------------> a_pnesao O MAIS NOVO REALYTI SHOW BABADOOO @Cassi500Graus @Daka_Loud @TeamCley @doog_ @AnaBebada
- TonyIsAGeek @doog_ your a big cunt. Stop fucking up twitter.
- shihok whitehouse がRetweetしとる(笑) RT @doog_: via @whitehouse
- ilmarinho O twitter ta enviando virus agora eiiin? quem é esse @doog_ ??? FDP
- nobody_cares_ PUTA QUE MERDA! AGOR AESSE PAU NA BUNDA DE @doog_ :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- CaitlanMcCann @DarthPhrenic @ikasamabakuchi @TRESKIM @omentor @shiorinmaple @itsnichy @Madam_Tp @aburbidge @doog_ follow for follow please? x x x
- jp_sonz @doog_ Twitter公式サイトがXSSで攻撃を受け、公式サイトからログオフしよう。非公式ツールで間接的に利用はOK。様子はGoogleでチェック⇒ http://ow.ly/2HrHZ
- Sarah_JB_TWx @MissEmilyRhodes ive just tried going on web n somes taking over .. someone called @doog_ was doing mine :S xx
- Jasper_Music @doog_ Twitter is glitched
- allencw @doog_ You've been hit! See http://twitter.com/mashable/status/25112696636 for details. /cc @whitehouse
- BieberSupport4 @jeyowbieber @BieberTeamINA @doog_ pwease sign? :) http://twitition.com/krce7 <3
- MoninhaMeloPVH @doog_ ISSO NÃO TEM GRAÇA
- andrewjh @twitter – add @doog_ to that list of scumbags hijacking my account to retweet themselves.
- lipefreitas @doog_ why, man?
- frabjousday *ahem* sorry about that retweeting. block @doog_ if you can.
- wanessa_dourado Bug ridiculo. @doog_
- TotengottCorpse Que pedo con Twitter?? solo m Retuiteo el Fuckin' Tweet de @doog_
- MattHewitson42 And at @doog_, block that malicious bastard as well! ;'D
- JessicaDyannn RT @AntiguanMeshz: RT @doog_: t.co@"onmouseover="document.getElementById('status').value='RT ... http://tmi.me/1AwJ0
- TDeeZyBeatZ Did you fuck up Twitter? @doog_ ....If so, Im proud of you hahahahahahahahahahah
- YAMiNE_X cet enfoiré de @doog_ a plombé twitter xD
- IMC_Salvador @doog_ #SiteIMC Está concorrendo ao #PrêmioVagalume 2010 categoria Fã clubes, contamos com você #Vote: http://bit.ly/9DvvHc
- 100ProofWater Damn you @doog_ for hacking Twitter. lol
- DaanCharpentier @doog_ Je hebt last van de Twitter hack ;-) http://tweakers.net/nieuws/69794/bug-in-twitter-maakt-plaatsen-javascript-mogelijk-update.html
- vinnycordeiro @spam @doog_